Management and Soft Skills

Management and Soft Skills

As a manager, it has never been enough to be technically adept, you have to excel at soft skills as well. Soft skills are the personality traits, attitudes, habits, and behaviors you display when working with others. While good soft skills are also important for employees, they are critical for managers - and for those who want to be managers.

implemented several management and soft skills trainings including but not limited to

Project proposal writing and organizational networking, and human resource management for employees.

Developed and lead the delivery of capacity building trainings on advanced skill including, Etiquette & Protocol, Report Writing, Archiving, Public Private Partnership, Assets Evaluation and Management, Human Resources Planning and Management, Leadership Skills and Change Management.

Designed and implemented customized trainings of 30 hrs. each on leadership and etiquette, communication skills, stress management, corporate reputation management, successful management and decision making.

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