Agriculture and Environmental Preservation

A key challenge for the agriculture sector is to feed an increasing global population, while at the same time reducing the environmental impact and preserving natural resources for future generations. Hence, monitors the linkages between the environment and agriculture through identifying successful agricultural policies that mitigate the negative environmental impacts while enhancing the positive ones. Furthermore, we provide recommendations to improve policy coherence for environmental performance of the agricultural sector.

 Within this framework,  conducted various projects in the field of agriculture and environmental preservation including but not limited to:

-  Conducted specialized advisory and guidance visits for 72 small-scale agricultural projects to provide technical support and guidance to owners by introducing technical/ practical and administrative interventions, and to offer financial and legal advice; with the aim of promoting the development and the sustainability of the targeted projects, and providing solutions to help entrepreneurs overcome the obstacles they faced in launching and sustaining their projects.

-  Conducted trainings on water supply management, leak detection and maintenance for specialized technicians, under “Improving Water Supply Conditions in Marginalized Palestinian Communities”.

-  Assessment of post-harvest techniques in the Palestinian agro sector in order to improve the quality of agro production and decrease the quantities of the wasted agricultural product after harvesting

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