believes that a startegic plan is a fundemnetal element to shape and guide what an organization is, who it serves, what it does, and why it does it, with a focus on the future.
provides consultancy and advisory services to several organizations and institutions to set their priorities and strengthen their operations. On top of that, we focus on effective strategic planning that articulates not only where an organization is going and the actions needed to make progress, but also how it will know if it is successful.
offered its service concerning this topic to a wide range of companies and organizations including but not limited to:
- Developed and finalized a “Strategic Plan” that included reviewing and finalizing the on-going research study on the “Reality of Education and National Education coalitions in the Arab World,” and offering recommendations on the best possible interventions and strategies that can be undertaken within the project.
- Establishment of Community Development Plans for 12 communities in Bethlehem and Hebron within “Empowerment of Women and Youth in Area C of West Bank and Increase in the Resilience of Vulnerable Communities”.
- Assessment and development of strategic and marketing plans after conducting a market study to assess opportunities of selling Palestinian products.